


Captain Hollywood Project remains still one
of the most successful 90-s music projects !

The Pioneers of Eurodance:
over 20 mio. records sold worldwide and 10 Top 20 Hits in the euopean charts including the Nr.1 hit in the U.S and Europe “More & More”

The beginning


Tony Dawson – Harrison aka Captain Hollywood was born in Newark New Jersey in and after his active duty time in the U.S Army he moved to Germany in 1983, where he lived for many years.Captain Hollywood actually pioneered the worldwide Eurodance movement in the 90s.He has been called Captain Hollywood since 1982; the name was given to him by his friends because he even danced when he was in uniform.

Captain Hollywood was the very first Breakdance Artist in Europe.In 1983 he performed on the national TV show “Formel Eins” and danced to the song “Pack Jam”. The whole nation was watching the first channel “ARD” when the Captain started his musical career and he became famous in Germany overnight. Soon later Tony Harrison became the choreographer of the TV Show “Formel Eins” and worked as choreographer for many international superstars like LaToya Jackson, Kim Wilde, Natalie Cole, O-Town, CC Catch, DJ Bobo and 3rd Wish.Tony also represented Germany in Cannes at the filmfestival for the breakdance movie “Beat Street”.

From 1985 – 1987 Tony released 3 singles (“Grand Piano”, “Deborah” and “Soulsister”) and 1 album (“Do That Thang”) as Captain Hollywood and he charted as an independent artist without any help from a major record label.This gave him the respect in the clubs and the support from the DJs.Through these hits Tony established himself in the music business as a serious musician, rapper, singer and producer.

In 1989 Tony Harrison founded together with the dutch producer Ruud van Rijen the Holland based Project “Twenty 4 Seven”.Tony was the head and leader and of of the founders of the band, featuring his close friends Hanks (Giovanni Falco), Jacks (Wolfgang Reis) and the dutch singer Nancy Coolen.After their 3 months European tour with MTV London, sponsored by the company “Swatch”, the band charted with their hits “I can`t stand it” and “Are you dreaming”.After taking “Twenty 4 Seven” to Top 5 chart positions all over Europe including Great Britain,Tony left the dutch group to return to his solo career and to dedicate himself completely to his own project, the Captain Hollywood Project.

1st album: “Love Is Not Sex”
Between 1992 and 1994 the Captain Hollywood Project released 4 Eurodance singles,Some of the first and most successful eurodance hits of all times:“More & More”, “Only With You”, “All I Want” and “Impossible”.All 4 singles became worldwide hits and still today belong to every classic 90s music collection in the music scene.The single “More & More” charted at Nr.1 for 8 weeks in the german national media control charts and Nr.1 in the U.S billboard sales charts for 3 weeks.The record “More & More” sold over 7 Mio. copies worldwide.The 2nd single “Only With You” charted at Nr.4 in Europe and Top 10 in the U.S Billboard Charts. It sold 3 Mio. copies worldwide.The 3rd released single from this album “All I Want” was a Top 20 record worldwide, even though the video was banned from MTV America because of its controversial content.The 4th single “Impossible” was also a Top 20 Hit in Europe and was not released in the U.S.In that year Captain Hollywood Project received the award for the most played music video of the year from MTV London.The debut album “Love Is Not Sex” sold 400.000 copies in Germany alone and over 7 Mio. copies worldwide.
2nd album: “Animlas or Human”
In 1995 Tony released with his Captain Hollywood Project the album “Animlas or Human” which sold over 300.000 copies in Germany alone and another 350.000 copies in France.3 singles followed the release of the album: “Flying High”, “Find Another Way” and “The Way Love Is”, another 3 huge hits and classic Eurodance songs of the 90s.
3rd album: “The Afterparty”
In 1996 Tony Harrison decided to team up with P.Force and Alex Belcher for the production of his 3rd album “The Afterparty”.The single “Over & Over” became a huge summerhit,The album included 2 more singles: “Love & Pain” and “The Afterparty”, which were also very big hits in the European territories.

Creative break as artist 2000 – 2008 Even before and during his international breakthrough as Captain Hollywood, Tony always had a passion for music production and was a very successful music producer, producing many international stars, such as: Old Dirty Bastard (WutangClan), Crazy Bones (Bone, Thugs & Harmony), Nick Carter (Backstreet Boys), O-Town, B4 4, Primary Colorz, CC Catch, 3rd Wish, DJ Bobo, Haddaway, Turbo B and many more.Tony also produced film music, for example the film music for Mohammed Ali s documentary, the film music for the movie “Dying Young” feat. Julia Roberts and all of the background music for the TV show “Making the band”.In 2000 Tony decided after many successful years of touring and traveling to take a creative break as artist, to move back to the U.S and mainly work in the background of the music industry as producer and manager of other music acts.Tony worked very closely as music producer and choreographer together with the godfather of boybands, the music manager Lou Pearlman, also known as the founder of the Backstreet Boys, NSync, Britney spears and many more.Together with Lou Pearlman, Tony Harrison founded the boyband “O-Town”.The tv format “Making the band” was the first TV casting concept worldwide and was aired on Americas biggest tv channel ABC and later on worldwide on MTV, which made Tony one of the most wanted music hit producers at that time.

In 2006 Tony married his girlfriend Shirin Amour ( Ginette-Shirin von Gehlen) in Orlando Florida, who is also the singer of the Captain Hollywood Project.Captain Hollywood and Shirin Amour met in Germany in 2000 in Germany at a music festival where they both performed at, became a couple shortly after and moved together on the island St Pete Beach, Florida on the Gulf of Mexico in 2002.Shirin Amour was born and raised in Düsseldorf, Germany and even as a child she was gifted in music, arts and sports. At the age of 6 Shirin started playing the piano, followed by drums and at the tender age of 10 she already belonged to the best upcoming german talents in artistic gymnastics.At 9 years old Shirin gathered first experiences in the acting world. Because of her athletic potential she was chosen to perform the stunt scenes in the german cinema movie “Der kleine Vampir”. After also performing as a circus acrobat and all the achievements made in the field of artistic gymnastics Shirin Amour discovered her love for singing and dancing and devoted herself entirely to her new discovered passion ever since.In 2000 Shirin Amour won together with her dance formation the German Hip Hop Championship.After her Highschool graduation Shirin completed her singing and dance education in Germany and the U.S and decided to study Psychology and Law.
Shirin Amour is not only the singer of the Captain Hollywood Project, but also worked as choreographer and dancer for several national and international music acts, such as the U.S boygroup 3rd Wish, DJ Bobo, the RTL 2 Popstars winner “Overground”, “DJ Tomekk”, the RTL Show “DSDS” and many more.Shirin was also the director and host of the first online music video channel “Skreem TV”.
Still today Tony and Shirin are working as a team as producers, writers, choreographers for video, music and stage productions of the Captain Hollywood Project as well as for other international artists.Together with her husband Tony Harrison, Shirin worked for the famous U.S record label “Skreem Records USA” in Orlando, Florida on the success of the band 3rd Wish, who were also managed by Tony and Shirin.Tony Harrison became the Vice President and Director of the record label and Shirin Amour the Executive Assistant. They both decided to take the band 3rd Wish to Europe to jumpstart the bands career from overseas.With great success: The band 3rd Wish became very successful with their Top 10 Album “Reflections Of The South” and their hitsingle “Obsession”, which sold over 1,5 Mio. copies worldwide.

In 2008 the Captain Hollywood Project produced in cooperation with DJ Base 2 more singles “It Hurts With You” and “More & More Recall” exclusively for the release in the UAE.Both songs were very successful in the UAE territory.One year later the famous swiss artist DJ Bobo requested Tony and Shirin to help him choreograph his upcoming “Fantasy Tour”.They spent 3 months in Switzerland to choreograph together with DJ Bobo his new songs and his stage performance for his Fantasy Tour 2010.In 2010 DJ Bobo invited the Captain Hollywood Project to accompany him on his tour and perform as special guest in 20 major cities in Germany.The Fantasy Tour 2010 was a great success, also for The Captain Hollywood Project, they inspired the masses in the biggest concert halls/arenas in Germany.Since 2010 the Captain Hollywood Project is touring throughout Europe and the U.S again with their 20 Years Greatest Hits.
Finland, Denmark, Italy, USA, Germany, Canada, Peru, Chile, Russia, Scotland, Ireland, Australia are just some of the countries that CHP is currently touring in.





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